Tuesday, May 31, 2011

She's Ours....

After a harrowing taxi drive through the streets of Nanchang we finally arrived at the Civil Affairs office where we were to meet Lila. There were several other families who had just met their new babies after an excruciating five year wait, we enjoyed chatting for a few minutes and spent some time reminiscing meeting Anna seven years ago in a very similar room  also here in Nanchang. The Civil Affairs office has moved to a new building but the furniture all looks the same. Our guide told us that Lila should arrive any minute so we pulled out our cameras and placed our selves right across from the door so we could see her come in.
She came in looking a little unsure but excited and nervous. She definately recognized us right away. I was able to go over to her and kneel down next to her and put my hand out which she held right away.We just look into each others eyes, I promised I would go slow but I just couldn't stand it, I put my arms out and asked her if I could lift her out and she said yes. I scooped her up and sat down right there in the middle of the floor and Lila snuggled into me and I wrapped my arms around her and I got my first smile. I couldn't of asked for a better first  meeting. I'm not sure how long we sat there snuggled in each others arms but I do know that soon Daddy and Anna were  there also. We spent time looking at her photo album, and going through a little bag of goodies. She wanted to do bubbles right away and had so much fun with Anna, they just laughed and laughed. At some point we completed the essential paperwork, got photos taken for her passport and adoption papers, sealed the paperwork with her red hand-print and our thumb-prints and then we went to the Notaries office.
We were astounded by how much English she understands, and she can use. She and Anna were having fun poking each other and giggling when I said it was time to be all done with the poking game she looked at me and said "No, all done". We were shocked to the say the least but that is definitely a phrase she has learned and she says it often when she disagrees with me.:) She enjoyed singing many songs with us in both English and Chinese during yet another intense taxi ride.
She continued to be just delightful throughout the evening and had fun wrestling and tickling with Anna and Dad. She ate a big dinner here in our room and enjoyed exploring everything and hiding away all of her goodies in her bag. She really enjoys coloring and drawing and she drew just adorable pictures of Chris and I, she even knows how to print her letters and was quickly writing Lila, Mom and Dad. We  asked if she wanted us to call her Chaxi and she said "No, Lila", she does however answer to both. We were able to visit with Sara from Shepherds Field and learn more about their organization. We are so grateful that Lila was so well taken care of there for the last four and a half years. We also were able to Skype with the kids and grandma back home. Lila kept looking on the other side of the computer and couldn't quite figure out how it worked, she was a little unsure of how her brothers and sisters were talking to her. We are more than a little homesick this trip and are eagerly awaiting being all together as a family again.
We are so thankful for all of the prayers.... Kim

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Almost there....

We only have about one hour until we leave from the hotel here in Nanchang to meet Lila. In less than two hours  we will finally get to hold our sweet girl. I don't think Chris or I slept at all last night, we are both running all of the "what if" scenarios through our minds. Of course we know that we are just going to have to "wing it" once we meet her. She is coming straight from the airport, gratefully our agency was able to work with her orphanage so she didn't have to be moved. Again our prayers have been answered.
We were able to be part of a phenomenal group of families who are also adopting while we were in Beijing, it is amazing how quickly you can feel like family to people with similar passions. There were 12 other families in our group many adopting older children, some multiple. There were also several 1st time adopters some with other children some first time parents. One single woman has waited for five years today, I can't even imagine. We were very sad to leave the group to travel on by ourselves but we are so excited to meet up with them again on Friday in Guangzhou. I can't wait to meet all of the new family members.
Anna is doing  just amazing, she has been such a trooper, she has far surpassed our expectations and has made several new friends. A couple of families are adopting children with developmental delays and they were hopeful their children would do as well as Anna. The group, has been so kind and accepting, if only it was like this everywhere.
We will try to write more about our Beijing adventures later, hopefully the pictures will help us remember what we have done but our jet lagged brains are feeling a bit foggy right now.

Blessings to you all, Kim